10874 Highway #37
Hibbing, MN 55746
218 262-5554 Office
If a new home, adding a new garage, a new addition, or an add-on is on your list of projects to complete, please give us a call. We would be happy to meet with you and discuss everything in detail.
As your needs grow, sometimes it is time to add another addition to your current home that will enhance the living space. The details in this type of project need special consideration as to where the structure is added.
Paying attention to all the details is something we focus on and get right from the beginning. Our satisfied customers are all tied to our continued success and we strive to get every detail done right from the very beginning.
Melhorn's Construction
Jeff Melhorn, Owner
10874 Highway #37
Hibbing, MN 55746
(218) 969-9556 - Duluth
(218) 741-5260 - Virginia
(218) 262-5553 - Hibbing
(218) 326-0057 - Grand Rapids
(218) 262-5554 - Office
© 2018 Melhorn's Construction ~ www.susanwilliswebdesign.com